
Circles containing areas of Norfolk and Suffolk

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Domain Name & Email Management
WordPress Website Design & Build
API Integration
Hosting & Database Management
Ongoing Website Support

Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited

The Client


Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited is dedicated to elevating the region by promoting its diverse opportunities. They work to stimulate business growth in the area and attract inward investment by collaborating with local private and public sector partners.


Businesses using the service benefit from bespoke and personalised assistance in which Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited work to understand the needs of the individual business, then they skilfully map these against the rich tapestry of assets, opportunities, and expertise available in the area, ensuring businesses receive tailored insights and solutions. They effectively streamline the process through a single point of contact for maximum convenience. Their commitment extends to providing dedicated support to facilitate the practical aspects of a business's relocation or expansion.


The Brief


The very knowledgeable team at Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited had very stringent requirements for their new website, including a detailed brief, full technical specifications and specific accessibility needs. They were armed with a usability report from their current website which highlighted areas which needed addressing.


Their website is the main vessel for hosting statistics and regional information which they use as their every day platform and an area to direct enquiries through.  The new site needed to be easier to use, have clearer calls-to-action, have interactivity and most importantly be easily updatable by the Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited team.


For the budget available, their expectations were initially low, thinking that it wasn’t going to be possible to update the design, the content ‘and’ sort out the user experience. However, with careful planning we were able to deliver all this and more!


The Solution


We were so pleased to be able to fulfil the technical requirements in the 27 page document. One of which was the need to ensure that the site has a very high level of accessibility, complying with WCAG Version 2.0 conformance level AA, making the web content accessible for users in a wider variety of contexts.


In addition, we provided Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited with a fresh new design and updated website using a builder which they can use and easily maintain going forward. We have showcased the great work they do by incorporating useful infographics, highlighting the opportunities available in the various sectors and encouraging users to contact the team for that bespoke service. We have made the website showcase the strengths of the area by including various sector case studies and outlining the opportunities for growth available. We included a useful interactive map allowing users to locate assets in the form of land, property and build opportunities in the two counties.


We constructed the site to enable self-managed updates so once live, control was transferred to the in-house team for ongoing management. But of course, we are always here to help when needed.


We are immensely proud to have collaborated with New Anglia LEP and Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited since August 2011. This new website project reflects our combined commitment to excellence and innovation.



  • Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Home Page
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Web Pages Visual
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Phone Visual
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited Logo

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