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WordPress Website Design & Build
Hosting & Database Management
API Integration
Ongoing Website Support


"The Integrated Ideas team worked with us to deliver a professional site in a relatively short space of time. The team was very supportive, flexible and a pleasure to work with."

Jack Davison - Consultant
Proteus Communications Group LLP

Elms Park at North West Cheltenham

Integrated Ideas have been working with Proteus Communications Group LLP since 2013 when we delivered their first consultation website for the proposals for the development of Elms Park at North West Cheltenham, in association with Bloor Homes and Persimmon. The mixed use development located on land north of Tewkesbury was to deliver much needed business space, up to 5000 new jobs, and over 4000 new homes for Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and the surrounding area.


As with all large scale developments, the process has taken some time to move to the next level. Fast forward to 2022 and we are delighted to have assisted the team in delivering a new website that provides the latest in the potential development opportunities, along with inviting the public to submit their views or concerns.


Continuing with the already recognisable brand colours, we built the new site for Elms Park in WordPress. This will allow the client to easily keep the site up-to-date as the next steps progress. Navigation is clear and simple, signposting visitors quickly to the information they are after.


Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, people are naturally conscious of not visiting busy places. Therefore, the normal interaction with the public via meetings and events has been abandoned. In place of this, they are inviting the public to provide feedback through the website via an 8 step questionnaire. A news page will provide the ability for all updates to be out in the public eye as soon as it happens.



  • Elms Park Website Case Study - Home Page
  • Elms Park Website Case Study - Web Page Spread
  • Elms Park Website Case Study - Step Form
  • Elms Park Website Case Study - Logo

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